How to Show Sinx is Uniformly Continuous

Prove $\sin x$ is uniformly continuous on $\mathbb R$

Solution 1

Let $\epsilon>0$ and $x,y\in \mathbb{R}$. We want $$\left|f(x)-f(y)\right|<\epsilon\implies \left|\sin x-\sin y\right|<\epsilon\implies \left|2\cos\frac{x+y}2\sin\frac{x-y}2\right|$$ Because $$\left|2\cos\frac{x+y}2\sin\frac{x-y}2\right|\le 2\left|\sin\frac{x-y}2\right|$$ it suffices $$2\left|\sin\frac{x-y}2\right|<\epsilon$$ when $$\left|x-y\right|<\delta\implies \left|\frac{x-y}2\right|<\delta$$ SInce $\left|\sin x\right|\le \left|x\right|$, $$2\left|\sin\frac{x-y}2\right|\le 2\left|\frac{x-y}2\right|<2\delta$$

Choosing $\delta=\frac{\epsilon}{2}>0$ will do the trick. Because $\delta$ doesn't depend on $x,y$, the continuity is uniform

Solution 2

By Mean Value Theorem,

$$ |\sin{x}- \sin{y}| \leq |x-y| |\cos{\xi}| \leq |x-y|, \quad x\leq\xi \leq y.$$

Hence, you may choose $\epsilon=\delta$.

Solution 3

Since $\sin x$ is a periodic continuous function with a period $2\pi$, it suffices to prove that it is uniformly continuous on $[0, 2\pi]$. Since $[0, 2\pi]$ is compact, this follows from the well-known theorem.

Solution 4

There is an elementary geometric way to do this. Let $x$ and $y$ be real numbers; for now, assume $x, y\in(-\pi, \pi]$. Start off at $(1,0)$ and march off signed distance $x$ to get to point $a$ and $y$ to get to point $b$ on the unit circle. Then $|x - y|$ is the distance from $a$ to $b$ along the unit circle. $|\sin(x) - \sin(y)|$ is the distance between the $y$-coordiates of $a$ and $b$. Hence, in this case $$|\sin(x) - \sin(y) | \le |x - y|.$$

This gives us uniform continuity on $(-\pi, \pi]$, so by periodciity the sine function is uniformly continuous on the entire line.

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  • How do I prove $\sin x$ is uniformly continuous on $\mathbb R$ with delta and epsilon?

    I proved geometrically that $\sin x<x$ and thus, $$|f(x_1)-f(x_2)|=|\sin x_1 - \sin x_2|\le|\sin x_1|+|\sin x_2|<|x_1|+|x_2|$$

    But this doesn't help me much finding a delta...

    Thanks for any help!

    P.S. I'm only at the beginning of calculus so I can't use many theorems and derivation (because they haven't been regorously proven).

    • I changed $sinx_1$, etc., to $\sin x_1$. That is standard TeX usage.

    • This is a particular case of (at least) two more general results. First: a periodic continuous function on $\mathbb{R}$ is uniformly continuous on $\mathbb{R}$. Second: a Lipschitz function ( is uniformly continuous. To prove that $\sin$ is Lipschitz, you can use a trigonometric identity like Nameless did in his answer, or you can claim that its derivative is bounded by $1$.

  • Hi, thanks for the fast response! Why $$\left|2\cos\frac{x+y}2\sin\frac{x-y}2\right|\le 2\left|\sin\frac{x-y}2\right|$$ is correct? Also, I know how to prove $sinx<x$, but how do I show $|sinx|<|x|$? Thanks for the reply again!

  • because $\cos \alpha \leqslant 1 $, $\forall \alpha \in \mathbb{R}$.

  • Because $\left|\cos(\bullet)\right|\le 1$.

  • Oh, right! And why $|sinx|<|x|$?

  • Hi, can anyone hint me on that one?

  • @Harold $\sin x$ is odd

  • Sorry for being petty, but then sin(-x)<-x and since $sinx=sin(-x)$, and $sinx<-x$ and $sinx<x$ - how that shows $|sinx|<|x|$ => $-x<sinx<x$?

  • @Harold You want $\left|\sin y\right|\le \left|y\right|\iff -\sin y\le -y\iff \sin y\ge y$ for $y<0$ near $0$. But $\sin x\le x$ for $x>0$. Multipliying by $-1$ gives $-\sin x\ge -x\iff \sin (-x)\ge -x\iff \sin y\ge y$

  • This answer deliberately does not appeal to the MVT; it uses purely geometric properties of the sine and cosine functions.

  • Yeah I know. But for a test I'm not sure if your approach would be rigorous enough. No offense.

  • What is not rigorous about the fact that, given a line and a point, the shortest distance between them is achieved along the perpendicular dropped from the point to the line? In fact, this solution is unique.

  • This is a circular reasoning. For MVT you need that sine is differentiable. Since each differentiable function is continuous, you have used what you are proving.

  • @wdacda How is that circular reasoning?

  • Hi, how did you get the double angle formula from |sin(x)-sin(y)| ?

  • How is that circular? I can't see it.




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