How Much Bigger File Can We Upload on Google Drive Directly

There is no denying the fact that everyone who has used Google Drive might accept encountered loads of errors. Whether it be while uploading files or sharing with someone. It could either be due to technical difficulties or simply due to a slow internet connection. Here y'all volition notice a guide on how to upload big files to google drive.

It is pretty piece of cake to upload smaller files on Google Drive. Yous can simply drag and drop the file from your system to the cloud. While uploading large files such as videos or other data sets is not equally like shooting fish in a barrel as the former process.

You can not merely elevate 1GB files to the drive, since information technology can take hours to upload and fifty-fifty longer fourth dimension to share them with other users.

Here are some steps y'all tin can follow on how to upload large files.

How to upload large files to google drive directly

Google Drive provides up to 15 GB of costless space to every user once you lot sign upwardly on the platform. You can always get more than infinite after paying a pocket-size fee, however, if you take loads of data sets on your organisation eating upward the bulldoze, you can only salve it on the bulldoze.

It is not a tedious task to upload large files but it can take hours to upload on the drive. Here is how you can upload files directly.

  • Sign up or Log in to your Google Drive account.
  • Tap on New on the screen.
add big files to Google Drive
  • Select Folder or File Upload based on the type of file you have.
how to upload files to Google Drive directly on Laptop
upload files to Google Drive
  • Now choose the file you wish to upload from your organization.
  • Click on Open
how to upload files to Google Drive directly
upload files to Google Drive direct
  • Now, await for the file to upload on the bulldoze and monitor the progress on the screen below.
Upload complete
upload files to Google Drive direct

The procedure here is pretty uncomplicated and hardly takes a 2d to perform. It all depends on your internet connection and the space left on the drive.

All these factors will determine the time taken by the file to upload. Sometimes it only takes several minutes to upload a 1GB file and sometimes information technology can take hours for the same size file.

Yous may like, How to transfer ownership of Google Bulldoze Files.

How to upload large files on google drive faster

Well, here we have another method that you tin endeavor out that might seem much faster than the regular method that y'all would otherwise become for.

If you practical this process before where you would simply shrink multiple files or whatsoever large file into a Nothing folder that makes it easier to share.

Here nosotros will be following a similar process and carry the upload process in Google bulldoze further.

  • Choose the file on your system you wish to upload.
  • Make a right-click on the file and tap on Compress.
how to upload large files in google drive faster
how to upload large files in google drive faster
  • This will create a Nil file of your original file on your system that we will exist uploading.
google drive upload limit
  • At present, open Google Drive and log in to your Google Account.
  • Tap on New.
  • Select File from the driblet-downwards menu.
  • Now, select the Zip file you created from the options on the screen.
  • Tap on Upload.
google drive upload large files
google bulldoze upload large files

This process inappreciably takes a few minutes to upload on the bulldoze and you can keep track of information technology. Moreover, the nix file is easier to share with other users also equally easier to download too. Furthermore, you tin can check with both the methods and track the time for yourself.

Also, check out, How to Articulate Recent in Google Drive and How to Share Videos on Google Bulldoze.

How to Upload large files to Google Drive on Mobile

Since Google Bulldoze has a stable mobile application, y'all tin even upload videos, photos, documents from your smartphone to the drive within minutes.

The mobile version is easier since you can select multiple files by tapping on the screen and inside a few steps, all your files will exist on the bulldoze after which you can empty your gallery.

Also, the app is available for both iOS and Android that follows the same process for each. Here is to carry it out on a Mobile.

  • Tap on the Drive icon on your smartphones.
  • Click on the "+" icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  • Select Upload on the screen and choose the number of files y'all wish to upload.
google bulldoze upload big files
  • Click on Select to start the upload.

If you lot have an active net connectedness, the file or the files volition be downloaded immediately. Also, if the upload and download configuration has been fix but for Wi-Fi, you need to keep your Wi-Fi on at all time to upload all the files.

Read How to Print from Google Bulldoze on iPhone

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few questions related to google bulldoze upload large files.

1. What is the largest file size y'all can upload to Google Bulldoze?

You tin easily upload large files on Google Drive since Gmail does non allow more than 25MB attachments. Similarly, while we learned about how you can upload big files via different methods, yous can only upload up to 10GB of a unmarried file on Google Bulldoze.

2. Does Google Bulldoze compress video?

The respond is No. If you take uploaded a massive video file of the all-time quality on Google bulldoze, the original resolution remains as it is and nothing gets affected at all. Once you download that video on some other system, the video still remains of the aforementioned quality as yous have uploaded on the drive.

Check out the Google Drive tutorials:

  • How To Password Protect Google Drive Folder
  • Google Drive Vs Google Docs
  • How to Upload Video from Google Drive to YouTube
  • Restore WhatsApp Fill-in from Google Drive
  • How practise I relieve files to my phone from Google Drive?


Here is everything you need to know on how to upload big files to google drive. Nosotros have mentioned iii basic methods that you might not have tried before but hither is your adventure to correct your errors.

You can either use it on the web version or else choose the app version too. Both are as easy and constructive. The only issue is that no matter what information technology volition take time-based on how large the file is.

As we know you tin only upload upwards to 10 GB in one go in Google Drive. Yous can either choose a single file or multiple files at in one case. You may encounter errors if your internet connection is not working so make certain you have a proficient net connection so that all the files are uploaded faster and successfully.

If at all you are stuck up on any process, let us know in the comment section below. I hope information technology fixes the below issues:

  • how to upload large files to google drive faster
  • tin you upload large files to google drive
  • how to upload large amount of files to google bulldoze
  • fastest way to upload large files to google bulldoze
  • how practice i upload large files to google drive


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