In Movie Reviews What Does an Overturned Popcorn Mean?

Hostile (2017) Poster

8 /x

Look past the ugliness

This was definitely not what I was expecting, it was really much meliorate, and deeper. I'm sure this moving picture, like most with flashbacks, will get panned by some reviewers considering of it. Withal, after watching information technology through, the movie is actually more in the flashbacks than the "nowadays" storyline. It has a really absurd and moving symmetry at the outset and end, using the gunshot. I actually let the movie begin to play over again at the finish, which is where I really noticed it, and by rerunning is where you catch all the foreshadowing that y'all may not accept defenseless. Ane of the kickoff scenes, in the art gallery, with the "expect past the ugliness" explanation of the Salary artwork, is the basis of the story. I think you'll bask the movie as long as yous're not looking for information technology to be the typical, gory, zombie-like postal service apocalyptic movie. Also sympathise that one flashback doesn't pick up exactly where the other left off (this threw me off at first and is why I enjoyed watching information technology a second fourth dimension later on understanding). The flashbacks are linear, but fourth dimension passes (weeks to months) between them. This was a pleasant surprise, since I sit through quite a few bad movies when I look for costless movies to stream.

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2 /10

A boring mess of a motion-picture show

Warning: Spoilers

HOSTILE is a Belgian mail-apocalypse film, of all things, and admittedly dreadful with it. Things first out routinely plenty, with a daughter battling zombies and the like in a MAD MAX-looking world, but then somebody had the genius thought to pad out the meagre running fourth dimension with endless flashbacks revealing the pb'due south relationship with her partner. In other words, a sci-fi thriller turns into a slow-burning romantic drama, and the viewer'due south involvement drops dead. By the fourth dimension of the oh-so-predictable twist at the end, I was struggling to stay awake through this irksome mess of a film.

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7 /10

Cracking at all.

Upwards late and found this movie. No need nitpicking this flick, only savor it. It'southward pretty damn good.

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5 /x

Swing and a miss

I beloved a adept post apocalyptic thriller then I was looking forrard to this one. Information technology starts really well, and so rapidly becomes odd, then frustrating, then but manifestly center-ringlet worthy.

The entire movie jumps dorsum and forward between timelines just does so in a way that feels very jarring. The unabridged relationship between the two leads felt unrealistic... so many plot points and character decisions just became too much of a stretch for me. I tin suspend my disbelief to a certain point merely c'mon guys...

I actually wanted to like information technology, it was shot beautifully, the creatures were genuinely creepy, and it had potential.

Points for originality, I definitely wasn't expecting what I saw (though I did call the 'twist' about 20 minutes earlier information technology happened). The message that the writer tries to go out u.s. with is a nice one merely feels out of place in this genre and left me with besides many questions.

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viii /10

For a low budget B-class flick from a newbie writer-director, Ballsy!

All you wannabe critics complaining most this and that need to give your heads a shake and review a pic based on it's own merits, production value and credentials, before slamming it with 1'south and 2'due south and negative reviews.

Newbie (his starting time full length characteristic motion-picture show, just ii previous brusque films) writer and director Mathieu Turi did an outstanding job with this film. His experience as Second Unit Director and Assistant Managing director showed with his exceptional camera work. Contrary to what some reviewers complained near - the abiding flash-backs, I felt they were perfectly placed and needed to be at that place to build up the tension - and maintain information technology. The story itself was very unique, and the ending was simply perfect. Sure the screenplay had some small issues, e.g. I expected her to immediately ask "why are yous following me" (don't desire to spoil annihilation but yous'll know what I mean), and some scenes needed some amend editing, but overall for his beginning (low upkeep b-form picture show with c-list actors) full length feature film, Turi nailed it, and presented a film at a level I'd wait from more seasoned writers and directors. The pacing was perfect, as was the length. I actually wanted a trivial more than - about the "transition from the disaster" too equally more on the disaster (again, I don't want to spoil anything).

The sets, visuals and scenic shots were amazing. The cinematography was on point as was the score. All cast members performed very well, and it was great to see the unique Javier Botet on the big screen again. My only beef was the casting of Brittany Ashworth. She was decent and disarming in the aftermath scenes, merely unconvincing and borderline abrasive in the flashback scenes. I'm sure some of the arraign goes towards the inexperience of the director for failing to straight his cast properly, merely I still felt she was overbearing and struggled to convince me of her grapheme.

Withal, mode better than I expected. Over again, remember this is NOT a big-budget Hollywood blockbuster film production from seasoned filmmakers. And equally such, this newbie filmmaker deserves my honestly critiqued eight/10. Anyone questioning my review every bit fake, click my username to see my g+ ratings and 600+ reviews. Mad respect to Mathieu Turi for this little precious stone and I hope to see more from him in the virtually future.

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7 /10

Non feeling bully about the ending

Warning: Spoilers

This movie had quite an interesting and well-filmed backstory. The male person lead had a scrap of a savior complex, just that tin can be forgiven. I have to say it: he might be i of the near cute humans I've ever seen.

The creatures were well washed. Even when we saw the creatures in full, they were realistic and terrifying.

That said, I actually don't know how to feel well-nigh suicide endings. The male person atomic number 82 specifically stated that he didn't want her to requite up, and and so she decided to pulled a Romeo and Juliet.

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3 /10

Pretentious, badly written and laughably acted

Warning: Spoilers

This movie fails on each level and with every its element other than the creature effects.

Ok, here we go. Even though in that location are not every bit many actors in this flick, all of them besides the husband are horrible. The pb is the worst. Her facial expressions are so fake and disruptive. It makes you lot laugh when you lot see just how much she tries and fails, everything from her voice to her facial expressions is terrible, her body language is a mess also. She's also distractingly pretty and in no fashion believable as a graphic symbol. She'south too cute for a post-apocalypse scenario as well as for a drug addict with a broken life one. It'south like having a Hollywood top model in a WWII movie as a soldier. I thought that she is in the film considering she is in a relationship with the manager or the producer, this is not uncommon these days, but I accept found no proof to back this upwards. The supporting cast too the husband was probably but the people from the production crew, there's non a lot of them, but they all overact similar crazy (the doctor lady, the erstwhile man ownership drugs and the others).

The dialogue was atrocious. I gauge I should give some credit to actors trying to act while saying such nonsense after all. I remember the idea was to sort of form a dynamic genuine love relationship since French directors love to mix up love, sexual practice, and violence. But nevertheless once more, this failed.

Character-wise the lead gives you no reason to root or intendance for her whatever. At times she's saucy and aggressive for no reason, probably to indicate drug addiction or mental issues. Sometimes she's tough and acts like a Rambo, other times she'south weak and defensive. Her arc is vague and is probably meant to indicate that she finally opened herself to others. Yet I'thousand not sure about that. The hubby character is a stereotype of how insecure single women in their 40ties imagine a perfect man. Single, handsome, educated, rich yet always has costless fourth dimension, caring, selfless, and e'er understanding - no bad traits or drawbacks. His motivation is mostly sex, and he's quite dull. He has a couple of pretentious lines nigh how hard information technology was for him to cope with becoming rich or something, not specially interesting either.

The story is a mess with as many holes there are in a cheese grater. They attempt at using two parallel timelines and storylines that go adjacent. In both of these, the lead is hostile towards the husband, who for no reason (as well sex in the first story) cares for her and tries to help her. This substantiates the idea of true love that has no limits. Likewise the fact that the ending was utterly improbable, they still failed with the bulletin as well. This is quite literal "love till the end of the world" (and after that) story built on nothing. They had zip chemistry together, the pb most of the fourth dimension merely acted similar an attention-hungry wench while the husband was unreasonably caring while beingness driven by sex (which makes his character pretty sexist). The child losing scene was so badly acted and misdirected it makes you wonder why would they fifty-fifty get for such intense scenes with such horrible writing and directing. I would probably requite the moving-picture show some credit for the ending scene, but I've already seen a similar story that was done better. REC three Genesis was a funny little B-flick with the same ending message done a million times better. The foreshadowing in this is just kindergarten level. Look closer to see the homo behind the monster, pictures of hands, Jesus Christ.

I judge I should address a couple of holes in this. Well, we don't know anything about the world ending issue other than a gas attack in the center of the city. However, the lead doesn't seem to age at all, so I assume that the world died and turned into a desert quite fast. There's also no indication of survival on her. They also mix USA-type gas station with obvious French trucks which just makes it even more than confusing. The creatures are probably resurrected or heavily mutated people, as indicated past the ending. Or if non, the conclusion starts to make fifty-fifty less sense. Their capabilities are unknown. Sometimes the pb can quickly kill them in a melee fight in a trailer, other times she can't, and the bullets and explosions don't seem to hurt them anymore. The armored auto she drives in has metal grates that can easily exist removed with bare hands. The's a survivor, just she doesn't know how to apply a buoy. The handling of her cleaved leg was incredibly unrealistic. The creature's intentions were purposely fabricated unclear to ensure the twist (since it's obviously aggressive at first). They are sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes strong, sometimes weak. They seem to be blind, simply the light hurts them. They are attracted past sound and can teleport. Loved the dialogue when they bait her into activating the beacon only to tell her they are not coming for her, and she verbally assaults the only person that can salvage her life now :D I mean, I would non want to get back for her either.

Overall, I enjoyed the creature make-up even though it was a complete rip-off from the Fallout game series Feral Ghouls. Opening shots were kinda cool and... this is pretty much it.

Hostile is a bad movie, and I didn't like information technology.

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8 /x

A very special little film......

I saw the brusk for this pic and have been hanging out for it for a while. I had expected a survivalist horror, with lots of gnashing teeth and action. Indeed there is an element of that but what I hadn't expected, was a securely sorry love story.

This is in many means a elementary motion picture. Information technology uses basic settings combined with a cinematic ploy I'thousand not fond of cut, betwixt past and nowadays segments. That said, in the context of this film, information technology works very very finer bringing together the final scenes in a very poignant and touching manner.

I think the writers, director and actors, are to be congratulated. What has been accomplished here is very dissimilar and very clever. More than that, its engaging and inherently watchable. I have to confess I had worked out what was going on about ii thirds of the way through but that in no manner diminished the emotion of the final scene when it arrived.

A very special little film, that does remarkable things, with a limited budget. eight/x from me.

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2 /x

Hostile is How I Felt After Suffering Through It

Alarm: Spoilers

Starts out interesting plenty, if a bit clichéd. When the girl takes a sharp turn off the road and traps herself in her car the pic takes a turn toward interesting...and then slides into unbelievable, and and then downward to boring, continuing to the depths of tediously unbelievable, before tumbling with a splat into the sucky-tank. There are some decent scenes in the trapped vehicle which are then disrupted by flashbacks revealing unlikable characters and unbelievable relationships. Then everything decent about the mail service apocalyptic sequence is hurled out the window as the pain of a broken leg is, for the most part, forgotten; monster behavior is inconsistent (supposedly hates a flashlight beam but will motility toward a brighter flare pointing at it?) and even the leads ability to aim a gun, or a willingness to use it effectively varies equally the "script" requires. Cap that off with the stupidest, to the lowest degree conceivable or logical catastrophe I have seen in decades! I understand it's supposed to add unexpected depth simply it is and then far fetched and contrived, and worse, rather obvious before it occurs, that it is the thinnest thought passing itself off every bit an idea. And it didn't help that, not only did I hate the lead character, I idea the actress playing her was as bad. I kinda hate myself for watching it. Life is wayyyyyyyyy too brusque.

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8 /10

Metaphorical ending...

Warning: Spoilers

I enjoyed the movie overall (fifty-fifty the catastrophe) simply I was a bit disappointed in critic'south take on the concluding scene. I did not one time consider that Jack had returned as The Reaper. I believed that the monster had regained only enough strength to brand one terminal attack on Julia, which was a gentle clawing down her face. Immediately this reminds Julia of her rocky spousal relationship with Jack. She is able to see the beauty within the monster (foreshadowing from the art gallery) and gives her a risk to finally say 'I honey you' and 'goodbye'. But what do I know đŸ¤·‍♂️

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2 /x

Awful just awful

Simply watched this nonsense on SKY and its awful. Drawn out bore fest, no need for the constant wink backs. The Creature that looks like a malnourished human with one stomp totally smashes an humans caput hahaa give us a break seriously. Low upkeep B movies from the 70s come to heed however this movie is trying to exist serious.

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5 /10

Interesting entry in the post-apocalypse subgenre

An American horror-drama; A story nigh a survivor of a mysterious epidemic who encounters a dangerous humanoid in an apocalyptic desert wasteland. With a theme about letting those closest to y'all get close, with all that could entail, this is a moving picture which subverts the zombie thriller subgenre. There is good cinematography, expert sound design, and an interesting denouement. It's a bit slow moving, and tension is reduced by fashion of flashback scenes, but there are a few pinches of originality to make it watchable.

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3 /10

Beloved STORY and THE WALKING DEAD had a love child, see, and...

Alarm: Spoilers

In that location are reviewers here on IMDb that whinge on relentlessly most this or that picture not existence "original" or "cypher new". Well, equally far as I know, HOSTILE is completely original at least insofar as it synthesizes a post-apocalyptic/zombie story with a hand-wringing, chest-beating love story, which is certainly something I'VE never seen before. And as original as information technology may exist, it did nothing for me. I establish this very surprising because the originality whingers certainly seem to exist of the opinion that originality and "freshness" is virtually the single aspect to which all movies should aspire. And yet, here I am, all unimpressed with HOSTILE, originality and all.

HOSTILE mostly appears to be ii movies in one with the heroin character apparently the only shared element betwixt the two parallel plot lines. Until the very last scene of the movie, with the single exception of the heroin, the 2 plot lines appear to be completely unconnected. It LOOKS as if we are merely watching our heroin'due south life as it is in the post-apocalyptic time equally contrasted with her life in the "before time", prior to any happened which resulted in the apocalypse.

The movie opens with the more or less stereotypical collection of scenes depicting post-apocalyptic life for your average survivor. A bundled up character (our heroin) going about a dry and dusty, desert-y mural, everything looking completely battered and rusty and run down, trying to collect what survival resources she can notice. She'due south armed and very careful, always on the lookout for what are apparently post-apocalyptic monsters (which are HOSTILE'due south version of zombies).

And so suddenly, with an abrupt scene modify, we're in a metropolitan art gallery in the context of an fine art prove where we run into our same previously dusty heroin attending an art testify just only for the purposes of getting out of the pouring rain outside. Inside moments, the interminable flirtiness and romance with the owner of the fine art gallery commences, and with all the Kleenex-inducing vicissitudes of a stormy romance and blah blah blah.

So it goes for the residual of the movie, flipping back and along between these 2 disparate plot lines; a few minutes of life and death struggle between our heroin and a mail-apocalyptic zombie-thing (which looks for all the world similar a concentration-army camp-victim with a terrible skin trouble) which is plainly grimly adamant to eat her, and so we jarringly swap over to some romantically angsty moments in the earlier time, and then meanwhile back at the apocalypse...

Certainly the pre-apocalyptic through line has all the great romantic elements for the unimaginative: the male romantic interest is wealthy, alpine, darkly handsome, has an accent, and "saves" our heroin from her own self-subversive tendencies and... snore.

It's never made articulate what caused the apocalypse. Toward the end of the movie there is some vaguely referenced rather minor scale terrorist chemic attack which does pregnant damage to the art gallery owner, but there is no clear relationship established between this issue and the apocalypse. At all. But I remember we're supposed to make that assumption.

Only at the very last moments of the picture are the deeper connections between the pre-and-mail service-apocalypse made articulate. Depending upon your taste I suppose SOME people may view information technology as very romantical, but it struck me equally utter twaddle and as believable as a winged pig.

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1 /ten

"Hostile"?!?....More like "Horrible!!!"

Alert: Spoilers

I'm not certain where half of these reviews that are positive are coming from. It must be a different flick than what I watched. The 1 I viewed suffered through had a sorry (but good looking) lead actress stuck continually switching from ridiculous nowadays and flashback sequences which destroyed any tension or plot buildup. Speaking of the plot, what a joke! The supposed bad ass female at first, quickly deteriorated into a helpless damsel in distress for some reason. She went from a scissure shot to not beingness able to striking the broad side of a barn with a shotgun. And outta all the zombie monsters that she came across and killed, the one that nearly killed her at the end turned out to be (Oh the IRONY!!!) her lost love. So what's she do? She kills him and herself! Oh, this is after he had her promise to "Never give up!". Yep such a glorious, wonderful ending....WTH ever. I felt "Hostile" at the directors and producers after they made such a cringe worthy, vomit inducing creation.

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v /10

Apocalyptic Editing

This postal service-apocalyptic beloved story could take been very expert, fifty-fifty great, had information technology not been for the jarring dorsum-and-forth jumping between two dissimilar timelines.

The main plot-line finds our heroine injured and alone in a barren, zombie-infested no-man's land, hunted past a spindly creature with a bad skin condition. This state of affairs could have been a nerve-wracking viewing experience, had the director not decided to splice scenes of her "life before" throughout the full run-time of the movie. This breaks the tension EVERY Fourth dimension, in both narratives.

If you desire to tell a backstory, just tell information technology and become information technology over with!

The acting, music and cinematography was adequate.

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half dozen /x

2 stories in 1

Fancied a horror so after reading the synopsis of this 2017 film which I'd never heard of, idea why not.

Basically the film is set it to time lines, earlier and later on and you know at some indicate they will converge but your never entirety sure until........ then it all falls into place.

Strange picture show because of the 2 time lines, one a love story and the other a fight for survival, but the love story story for me was far from realistic only in the context of the underlying message carried past both story lines both acted as a style to get this message across.

In out lives we may have to confront our own monsters, real or events which nosotros may non want to face up but we know we have to do and so, this film with the 2 story lines uses both real monsters and the monsters nosotros may take to face in existent life and joins then upwards in a way which made for a rather enjoyable watch. Rating 6 out of 10.

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ane /ten

Brittany Ashworth is a horrible extra

As the title of this review indicates, Brittany Ashworth is an absolutely horrible extra and playing an extremely unlikeable grapheme. As she's nowadays in literally every scene, this flick becomes an incredible task to sit through. A better actress would've elevated the proceedings considerably and fabricated this low budget flick a true B movie petty gem.

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ix /ten

Beautiful film.

I absolutely loved this picture show. The ending really took me past surprise and is incredibly touching. This is non just a story of the apocalypse but of a dear story. You won't be disappointed if you lot watch this.

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7 /10

'Hostile' is equal parts tense and emotional

The apocalypse happened. "How" morphs itself into "What At present?"

Backside a plethora of sweeping landscape shots depicting the years following an apocalyptic event, Mathieu Turi'southward feature debut Hostile gives u.s.a. the story of Juliette (Brittany Ashworth) and her struggle to survive.

Sounds cliche, correct?

Wrong. Information technology took a while to digest this film as initially I had written information technology off as "just another post-apocalyptic film." Permit's face it, in that location are and so many in this genre.

The film centers around Juliette and her struggle to stay alive post-obit a debilitating car blow while on a scavenging mission. She must non but survive the barrenness of nature while badly injured, but a threat far more sinister.

We're offered abbreviated glimpses into her life pre-apocalypse every bit she longs for the days before everything went sideways. During these sequences is when Ashworth really gives a believable depth to her character. There's a palpable honesty in her interaction with the people in her previous life's sphere - most notably the sophisticated and charming Jack (Gregory Fitoussi).

Juliette's memories throughout the picture show non only to provide a contrast to her current situation merely besides provide a good pause in the inescapable dread of being surrounded by unknown dangers.

The tension in the picture is abundant and while the idea of the damsel Juliette needing to exist saved borders on tongue-in-cheek, the climactic confrontation is equal parts tense and emotional.

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half dozen /x

A bit boring only actually a prissy pic

Information technology stands out in the overused zombie genre with its combination of horror (a scrap?) and drama. Pace is slow with the corporeality of flashbacks but it pays off in the end. Don't wait to get a lot of explanation behind the apocalypse though.

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eight /ten

End is a game changer!

Good movie with a surprising finale. Y'all will be surprise, pay attention to the small details.

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1 /10

Here We Are... Another Motion-picture show to Avoid

Warning: Spoilers

This moving-picture show is so far fetched it'southward practically incommunicable to get into it.

SPOILER ALERT... Yous've been warned...

So we have another disease ridden apocalyptic destroyed futurity picture show. This 1 does requite us a groundwork in to our chief characters through flashbacks before the stop times.

The problem is... the story is garbage. Rich French man picks out prostitute in his gallery and instantly is in dear. Fifty-fifty though she shuts him down on a couple occasions he comes back for more. Must be a glutton for penalization. He forces her to become off her hardcore drugs and finally cupid strikes. Now they're together, getting a house together, going to start a family together. Please, should've called this pic "To Salve a Ho" not hostile.

So in the present time the brute she'southward been fighting and practically kills turns out to be her long lost lover. He shows her past a gesture that he only ever showed her in one case before in the movie and she magically remembered. She's a terrible actress, the guy is actually pretty skillful and believable. The girl ruins information technology. Stay away unless really lath.

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5 /10

A tragic love story

This movie was dissimilar but no reason for the hostile conflicting things. What happened to crusade the apocalypse how the alien beings came to be. Lots of unanswered questions n the ending was strange.

A relatively unproblematic film but acted decently.

Yet it was basically a tale of tragic love with 5 per centum horror thrown in.


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v /10

It's raining out.

Warning: Spoilers

Julia (Brittany Ashworth) is living in an apocalyptic world, searching for food, gas, and killing cannibalistic humanoids in a desert blazon surround. The event is recent and we don't get a inkling every bit to the cause until late and how the world became a desert so fast is unexplained.

However, this motion picture is not near Julia having to survive after a mishap, but information technology is a love story that fills her flashbacks with a Frenchman named Jack (Grégory Fitoussi). So if you are more than interested in watching a love story than science fiction thriller, this is it.

The flick was a decent product for what was, mostly a ane person play. Still, it is not something I enjoy.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity

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vii /10


Sometimes you lot have to take the opposite to make things work. In this example, it is non only about mail service apocalypse or how we got there (humanity that is), only what was before and what formed our main character. Now in that location almost always is a reason to why we come across something in flashbacks, so we tin can await and encounter what this is and what information technology means.

Having said, the horror and the intercutting/editing works quite well. There is claret, there is violence, there is romance and there seems to be no promise at sure moments - will in that location will be more will to survive and is in that location more to certain things than the eye sees? The film has an respond for that ... it may feel out of touch for some and for others it may exist a mind blowing reveal ... whatever the case this is more than decent

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