Umbo Martial Arts Antifatigue Interlocking Eva Foam Mma Exercise Gym Flooring Tiles

EVA Cream Mats

Ezy Mats is a supplier of a large range of EVA foam mats . Whether yous require a single foam mat  or foam mats  Ezy Mats has you covered. Our EVA cream mats are used past customers throughout Commonwealth of australia. They are smashing for both commercial and domestic applications. Click on the imprint below to view our full range.

Nigh EVA Foam Mats

Our mats come in a number of different thicknesses. The thickness of the EVA foam jigsaw mat  is determines past the user and it is important to understand your needs before purchasing your gym mats. The dissimilar thickness blot different amounts of impact. The thicker that mat then logically the more touch that can be captivated during grooming and vigorous activities. The thicknesses that we stock are:

  • 20mm mats
  • 30mm mats
  • 40mm mats

What is an EVA Foam Mat

A foam mat is a mat or gear up of mats used in martial arts and gym training. An interlocking foam mat  is fabricated of EVA foam which is an expanded foam which absorbs bear on like jumping or falling. EVA is a form of plastic but with absorbing qualities which arrive a durable and flexible product. EVA foam is an ideal material for absorbing impact and is ideally suited for training mats. They take been used for training mats for a number of years at present and take a proven track record. EVA has a variety of applications with different manufactured products. A EVA foam mat employs a jigsaw system which allow the gym mat to exist conveniently interlocked with other mats. EVA is too easy to cutting to size of you need to fit them it irregular spaces.

Interlocking Foam Mats

Our foam jigsaw mats  have the added benefit of beingness interlocking mats. This is the reason they are referred to as jigsaw mats every bit they lock into to each other for stability simply like a jigsaw puzzle. The difference being that each mats is identical then that are piece of cake to lock together. Information technology is for this reason that our cream jigsaw mats are like shooting fish in a barrel to assemble for use in both short-term and long-term training areas. Assembling interlocking mats doesn't crave and special skill and can be undertaken by almost anyone. The interlocking aspect of them likewise ensures that the mats don't come apart during training like other non-interlocking mats. This makes training a lot easier and safer then traditional mats without the interlocking mechanism.

Foam Mats Thicknesses / Sizes

As previously stated the foam mats  are available in three dissimilar sizes: 20mm, 30mm, 40mm. They are 1m x 1m in size (slightly larger with the edging fastened). When connected together they a accomodate any area required. Generally speaking (merely not exclusively) the 20mm foam mats are used in activities where the is less fatigue and minimal falling and jumping. The user tin can move upwards to a 30mm foam mat which is platonic where there is more than jumping and where there is some potential for light autumn. The 40mm EVA foam mats are generally required where there is falling and rolling effectually on the mats. As the intensity of the activeness increases so too does the thickness. It is imperative to understand the potential dangers involved with your activity before deciding which mat to utilise.

EVA Cream Jigsaw Mats Uses

Our EVA foam mats  are used in a variety of training including gymnastics, gyms, aerobics exercise, pilates, cross-training, boot campsite training etc. These mats have been sold to organisations as various as the police, hospitals, schools, daycare center and every conceivable martial arts organization. If at that place is an activity that requires ant-fatigue or safety qualities and then there is a practiced hazard that foam mats will help.

Ezymats try to be the near economic supplier of interlocking foam jigsaw mats  and tatami gym mats  in Australia. We promise to exercise our best to beat whatsoever reasonable quote for the same production. Should you discover cheaper mats elsewhere please contact us for a quote. We are also happy to consult with your needs and to answer any questions y'all may take virtually grooming mats. More often than not speaking these mats are the most price effective way to fit out any training area with training mats. Every bit they are fabricated from a unmarried fabric and not a combination of materials the manufacturing process is cheap. Also the huge popularity makes for economies of scale.

Benefits Of Foam Mats

  • Easy to install
  • Elementary interlocking puzzle arrangement
  • Fabricated from EVA foam
  • Duarable and easy to make clean
  • Offer great protection and Comfort
  • Suitable for all forms of gym activities & martial arts training

Foam Mats Delivery and Pick upwards

EzyMats has a warehouse located in Melbourne. Mats can be picked up from that location. We require prior notice and then that nosotros can confirm stock availability. Although we have shipments arriving on a fortnightly footing we can sometimes run out of mats. If the mats are not in stock then a pre-order tin can be placed to ensure that the stock is reserved when information technology arrives. Otherwise in that location is e'er a chance that the back orders from other customers volition crave all the mats arriving. If stock is confirmed that choice up is more than then welcome. We accept both cash and credit card payments for pick ups. If you need to pay via direct transfer then let a couple of days for the funds to be cleared.

EzyMats can also adapt for commitment Australia-Wide. We have delivered mats to all corners of this great country of ours, from major cities to the most remote areas. If at that place is a road that leads to a destination and a courier that volition delivery then we can arrange information technology. We have a freight figurer in the bank check out expanse of the website which tin calculate freight using TNT's API feed. The rates are competitive equally we receive a discount from TNT which we pass on to our customers. Should you crave more shipping options so we are happy to conform boosted quotes through Nations Freight Management. This will give you pricing from multiple freight forwarders and therefore the virtually competitive freight quote.

Contact Ezy Mats For Your Training Mats Needs

Pleasecontact Ezymats earlier making your buy from another supplier and you won't be disappointment. Nosotros are happy to look at any genuine quote you lot take received and will do our best to match or beat. Whether you are a large organisation or pocket-size we are here to help you lot. Ezymats are one of the largest suppliers of preparation mats in Australia.

Ezymats is trusted past a diverse range of organisations for their training mats

Interlocking EVA Foam Mats


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